Responds to different light intensities
Focuses briefly on faces
Fisted hands begin to open by sixth week
Notices own hands
Grasps and holds rattle briefly
Reaches for dangling object
Turns head to watch a moving object
Plays with fingers/hands at chest level
Brings hands together
Uses hands to rake or scoop up small toys
Bangs cubes on table
Holds cube with thumb and fingers on
opposite sides
Transfers toys from hand to hand
Wrist rotation present
Able to hold one cube in each hand
Touches objects with one finger
Drops block with voluntary release
Bangs two cubes held in hands
Puts things into and out of containers (dump and fill)
Takes rings off ring stack
Uses side of index finger and thumb to pick up a Cheerio (inferior pincer grasp)
Claps hands
Builds three- to four-cube tower
Scribbles spontaneously
Holds two cubes in one hand
Uses tip of index finger and thumb to pick up Cheerios (neat pincer grasp)
Inserts two shapes into sorter
Makes a vertical and circular scribble after demonstration
Builds a four- to six-cube tower
Completes a three-piece form board
Can string three beads
Imitates vertical and horizontal crayon strokes
Builds seven to 10-cube tower
Places five rings on ring stand in any order
Completes three- to four-piece puzzle
Holds crayon with thumb and fingers
Can pull apar t connected items
Can remove screw cap
Copies a circle already drawn
Imitates paper folding
Can string five beads
Builds nine- to 10-block tower with preferred hand
Unscrews lid from jar
Winds up a toy
Cuts a line with scissors
Stabilizes pencil using thumb and first three fingers
Completes a six-piece puzzle or eight-piece form board
Colors large pictures, mostly within the lines
Draws a cross or plus sign on paper when given example
Please summarize your child's abilities and/or concerns you may have. Please include your name and telephone number.
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